Broaden Your Summer Horizons by Studying Abroad - bwin体育大学-bwin体育

Broaden Your Summer Horizons by Studying Abroad

Picture of  Broaden Your Summer Horizons by Studying Abroad

If you’re hoping to make the most of your summer this year, 回家和朋友和家人出去玩可能看起来不太新奇或令人兴奋. 也许你渴望旅行, immerse yourself in new cultural experiences, and light an inspirational fire under your academic interests. A 暑期留学项目 能给你所有这些,甚至更多吗.

这是一个将冒险与获得课程学分结合起来的好方法,可以加速你的学位课程. Because they’re typically much shorter in duration, 暑期留学项目s are concentrated, deep dives into the subjects you’re most passionate about.

走出自己的舒适区一两个月,让你的思想获得新的见解,并向新朋友敞开心扉. You’ll learn to be more flexible and spontaneous. 你会与其他志同道合的国际学生在你的项目中注册, some of who will become lifelong friends.

Geneva’s 十字路口 puts the world at your fingertips

One of the most popular initiatives at 十字路口, Geneva’s Center for Enriched Learning, is the off-campus study abroad program. bwin体育的学生可以在100多个国家学习,并将学分转回bwin体育.

如果非洲, 亚洲, or Australia has always called to you, it’s easy to find study abroad opportunities based on 大陆. 如果你想申请一个特定的供应商,你也可以这样搜索.

十字路口让你很容易选择一个既符合你的专业又能反映你最感兴趣的项目. Although most programs are designed to be multidisciplinary, 这个图表 helps you determine which programs cover topics in a certain major. 查看项目网站,看看你感兴趣的项目是否与你的专业相匹配. 此外,一定要和你的学术顾问谈谈课程学分和毕业要求.

Spotlight on summer programs abroad

bwin体育为学生提供广泛的海外暑期学习项目,提供专业和严谨的学术与身临其境的文化体验相结合. 看看这些项目,保证学生们享受一个充满智力挑战和个人收获的暑假.


If the sights and sounds of multicultural and diverse London are calling your name, BCA offers a variety of summer programs, 包括 3周和6周的疗程. When you study abroad in London during June or July, 你可以参加许多只有在夏季才有的节日和活动. You’ll attend classes at the 大学 of Roehampton, London’s only traditional campus university nestled on 54 acres of parkland.

Humanities students might enroll in courses such as:

  •      Modern Greece: Language and Culture
  •      Gods and Heroes of Classical Mythology
  •      From Renaissance to Abstraction: 的 History of Art in London Museums

Psychology majors could find inspiration in:

  •      谋杀心理学
  •      的 Psychology of Art: Madness, Creativity, and Healing

Study abroad in Spain with Arcadia 大学

Arcadia offers flexible, innovative summer programs in 巴塞罗那和格拉纳达. 学生 享受 cross-cultural learning and exploration through Arcadia’s partner institution, 庞培法布拉大学(UPF). Ideal for students interested in the arts, 社会, 还有音像产业, this program brings local and international students together, learning through English or Spanish.

的 Granada program is based at the Centro de Lenguas Modernas (CLM) at 大学 格拉纳达以其西班牙研究、语言和文化课程而闻名. 探索迷人城市格拉纳达的文化和遗产,同时提高你的西班牙语技能. 从两个夏季曲目中选择,旨在帮助您学习西班牙语或提高您现有的中级西班牙语语言技能.

Serve, protect, and restore with 非盟貂 Institute of Environmental Studies

如果服侍、保护和恢复上帝的地球是你的使命,你会在这里找到很多灵感. 非盟貂 提供23个4学分的课程,以补充北美50多所基督教bwin体育的环境科学课程. Four campuses around the world (Great Lakes, 环太平洋地区, 哥斯达黎加, 和印度)为学生提供符合他们兴趣领域的引人入胜的实地课程,包括:

  •      五大湖:保护生物学, 湿地现场技术, 动物或野生动物生态学, 全球发展中的分水岭
  •      环太平洋地区: International Development & 环境可持续性,海洋哺乳动物,森林生态,生态农业
  •      哥斯达黎加: Sustainability, Tropical Agri文化, & 任务
  •      印度:保护 & 印度热带地区的发展

的 Salzburg Institute of Religion, Culture, and the Arts


  •      基督教是如何变化的 西方 文化?
  •      How has Christianity shaped music and the visual arts?
  •      How has 西方 文化 changed Christianity?

萨尔茨堡bwin体育暑期课程 为本科生提供一个论坛,与国际教授和艺术家讨论这些问题和许多其他问题. 的 summer program is designed for students interested in, but not necessarily majoring in: music, 美术, 沟通的艺术, 文学, 圣经研究, 神学, 哲学, 和历史. 本科s may receive up to 8 credits during the five-week program.

暑期课程接受来自不同宗教和意识形态背景的学生,他们有兴趣在基督教传统的背景下探索艺术和人文学科. You’ll 享受 a vibrant academic experience in a city with an incredible cultural, 知识, 音乐遗产.

在萨尔茨堡学习的时候, 你将参加客座讲座和音乐会,参观博物馆和文化机构. Once-in-a-lifetime opportunities 包括 attending:

  •      萨尔茨堡研究所研讨会
  •      Salzburg Institute Chamber Music Concert Series
  •      Lectures of the Salzburger Hochschulwochen, a renowned theological lecture series at the 大学 of Salzburg


With so many exciting summer study abroad options, you can start exploring the world before graduation. 这是一个个人成长的绝佳机会,因为你与这个星球和来自所有国家的人们建立了越来越紧密的联系.

Take these steps to begin your journey:

  •      在学生中心主楼的十字路口办公室停下来,拿起你想要的项目的信息清单.
  •      Apply online to the program of choice.
  •      Inform 十字路口 of your application.

的re’s no time like the present to start planning your summer abroad future!

如果你想了解更多的职业,使你能够全心全意地为你的生活服务,或者想了解更多基于圣经的工作, Christ-centered education at Geneva,bwin体育很想和你聊聊. 有关如何使用的更多信息 bwin体育大学 可以帮助您实现您的教育目标,请致电855-979-5563或发邮件至

bwin体育博客中表达的观点是其作者的观点,并不一定代表bwin体育的观点或官方立场. bwin体育博客是教师和撰稿人表达观点的地方, 学术见解, and contribute to national 谈话s to spark thought, 谈话, 以及对真理的追求, in line with our 哲学 as a Christian, 文科院校.




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